There’s no big deal on how to start a paleta business and grow big. Even if you are starting from the scratch. You just need to understand the industry.
The business is so easy to start that you can kick-start with little to no capital investment. Paleta business can be launched — even — from the family kitchen.
But before we delve into the main topic of discussion, it’s important to know what Paleta business literally means.
What is Paleta?
A paleta is made traditionally with fruit, milk, water, and sugar with various other flavorings such as vanilla extract, nutmeg, etc.
The mixed content will be poured into a plastic or wooden paleta stick known as the popsicle stick which will then be inserted in the middle of a large ice block.

How to start a Paleta Business from the scratch
Without mincing words, we’ll be looking into the various ways and method to start a Paleta Business from nothing and grow big.
The following are the steps to follow on how to start a Paleta business and grow big.
1. Learn how to make Paletas
You can’t start a Paleta business without learning how to make one in the first place unless you only want to invest money in the business.
But if you won’t be investing money only but also make the Paleta popsicle yourself, then you need to learn the art.
You can learn this through several ways and means. You can find an expert who will teach and guide you.
Depending on the teacher’s choice, some may charge you for the service they’ll render while others might do it for free.
Equally, you can register for online or physical class on how to make Paleta from home. The class have to be theoretical and practical in nature.
Lastly, you can read blog posts online on how to prepare Paleta using different recipes or watch tutorial videos on YouTube for free.
Knowing how to make Paleta Ice pop is the first step on how to start a Paleta Business and grow big.
Without knowing this, you are no where near the business. After all, you can’t put nothing on something an expect it to stand.
2. Get Paleta Molds
Having acquired the necessary skills needed to make a yummy Paleta, the next cause of action is to get Paleta Molds.
Paleta molds are shaping instruments that are used to bake or mold Paleta into different shapes and sizes.
There are tons of options or kinds of Paleta molds out there, therefore feel free to pick one that is just right for you.
An ideal paleta mold should be able to fit into two paletas (at a time) for it to be thicker as well as have a typical deeper bowl.
The mold should also have the actual size cavities to prevent any problem during the filling process.
Better still, the mold can be made with silicone as it will prevent the mix from having mold rash of any sort.
Hence, getting your Paleta molds ready is a great step towards starting the business and growing it into a successful venture.
3. Preparing the paleta
The next thing to keep in mind on how to start a Paleta Business after getting the molds available is to get your Paletas ready.
That is to say, start preparing and molding the paleta fruits into different shapes, flavours, and colours.
By doing so, if is paramount you need choose the type of fruit you will use in the course of preparing the paletas.
This is the main gist that will define the type of paleta business you’re setting up and how much fruit you will use throughout the process.
4. Distributing your Paletas out
Regardless of where you are making your Paletas, there is need for you to take them out for sale once it’s ready.
Whether you are starting the business from home or you have a location and a factory ready for it, there’s still need for distribution.
So look out for a community or an area close to children playground and set up your Paleta lawn or shop there.
But if you’ll be producing it in a large quantity, there’s need for you to get agents and distributors who will be taking them to the wholesalers.
Plus, there’s need for you to get some kind of branding and packaging that will allow your paletas to safely get around.
5. Making Money
Be informed that the fact that you follow all of the steps mentioned above, you are not going to make big money just like that.
The reason is that paleta price is low and it will always be lower. Usually, Pineapple paletas are being sold for $2 for and $8 for a mango flavour.
So looking at the price, you will come to realize the fact that you will need huge customers and audience for you to make huge money.
But this can be easily done if you utilize all the available channel for adverts to market the business.
It’s important you note that advertising the paleta business will cost you some fortune but it will worth it.
6. Doing it right
Starting a Paleta business is one thing and doing it right is another. You need to do it right again and again.
Put everything together, do what is needed and make sure that it works well for you. That’s how to grow big.
If you are filling the pineapples with too much sugar or using unripe mangoes, your paleta fruits won’t turn outright.
What that means is that your business won’t succeed the persecution and public criticism. Once you are in this mess, that’s the end for the business.
But if you do it well and right, you will have the luxury to raise the prices higher thereby maximizing your profits.
There is no big deal on how to start a Paleta Business from the scratch and grow it into a profitable business venture.
You just have to follow the instructions and steps mentioned above and your startup business will get to the greater heights.