Reviewed by Soliu.
All things Jesus did on earth were extraordinary displays of his divine power and compassion. These miracles included healing the sick, restoring sight to the blind, calming storms, raising the dead, etc.
All things Jesus did on earth (Miracles)
Of all the things Jesus did on Earth, the following miracles served as a testament to his authority and revealed his mission to bring salvation and demonstrate God’s love for humanity.

1. Healing the Sick:
Throughout his earthly ministry, Jesus demonstrated extraordinary compassion and divine power by healing individuals afflicted with diverse ailments.
In the Gospel of Matthew (8:2-3), a leper approached Jesus, beseeching, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” In a profound display of mercy, Jesus responded, “I am willing; be clean,” the leprosy instantly vanished, leaving the man restored.
In the Gospel of Mark (10:46-52), a blind beggar named Bartimaeus encountered Jesus on the outskirts of Jericho.
Upon hearing that Jesus was passing by, Bartimaeus cried out, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” Touched by his faith, Jesus declared, “Go, your faith has healed you,” Bartimaeus regained his sight, and his world transformed by the miraculous intervention.
On another occasion, in the Gospel of Matthew (9:2-7), people brought a paralyzed man to Jesus, seeking healing.
Recognizing their faith, Jesus said to the paralytic, “Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven,” and then commanded him to rise, demonstrating not only physical restoration but also the authority to forgive sins.
In these accounts and others, Jesus’ healing miracles exemplify his boundless love and authority over physical infirmities, fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah 35:5-6 “Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped; then shall the lame man leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute sing for joy.”

2. Raising the Dead:
In a profound manifestation of his authority over life and death, Jesus performed one of his most extraordinary miracles by raising Lazarus from the dead.
This awe-inspiring event is chronicled in the Gospel of John (11:1-44). Lazarus, a dear friend of Jesus, had succumbed to illness, and by the time Jesus arrived at the scene, he had been dead for four days.
Amidst the grief and mourning, Jesus, deeply moved, approached the tomb and commanded, “Lazarus, come out!” (John 11:43). In a breathtaking display of divine power, Lazarus, who had been bound in burial cloths, emerged alive, his return to life a testament to Jesus’ dominion over the grave.
This miraculous resurrection not only brought profound joy to those who loved Lazarus but also served as a prelude to Jesus’ impending triumph over death through his resurrection.
In this poignant narrative, Jesus not only revealed his compassion for those in sorrow but also provided a tangible preview of the eternal life he offers to all who believe in him.
The resurrection of Lazarus stands as a powerful symbol of hope and a testament to Jesus’ unrivaled authority over mortality.
3. Feeding the 5,000:

In a striking demonstration of divine abundance and compassion, Jesus performed the miraculous feeding of a vast crowd with only five loaves of bread and two fish.
This awe-inspiring event, recounted in the Gospels of Matthew (14:13-21), Mark (6:30-44), Luke (9:10-17), and John (6:1-15), showcases not only Jesus’ power but also his heart for meeting the physical needs of the multitude that had gathered to hear him.
As the day wore on and hunger set in among the crowd, Jesus, moved by compassion, took the meagre offering of five loaves and two fish.
He blessed the food, broke it, and distributed it to the multitude. Astonishingly, everyone present not only ate their fill but, as recounted in Matthew 14:20, “they all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.”
This miraculous multiplication of loaves and fish is a profound symbol of God’s abundant provision, illustrating that in the hands of the divine, even the seemingly insufficient becomes more than enough.
It foreshadows the spiritual sustenance Jesus provides, as he identifies himself as the “bread of life” in John 6:35, offering eternal satisfaction to those who partake in him.
4. Walking on Water:
In a breathtaking display of his mastery over the elements, Jesus walked on the tumultuous waters of the Sea of Galilee during a fierce storm, as recounted in the Gospels of Matthew (14:22-33), Mark (6:45-52), and John (6:16-21).
This remarkable incident unfolded after Jesus had miraculously fed the crowd of 5,000.
As the disciples embarked on a boat to cross the sea, a tempest arose, causing the waves to roar and the wind to howl.
In this chaos, Jesus approached them, walking on the water. Witnessing this extraordinary sight, the disciples were filled with awe and fear, believing they saw a ghost.
Assuring them of his identity, Jesus declared, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid” (Matthew 14:27). Peter, captivated by faith, sought to join Jesus on the water. With his eyes fixed on his Lord, Peter walked on the waves but faltered when he noticed the wind. In response, Jesus said, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”
This miraculous event not only showcased Jesus’ authority over the natural elements but also underscored the importance of unwavering faith in the face of life’s storms. It remains a poignant illustration of the reassurance of trusting the one who commands both the winds and the waves.
5. Casting out Demons:

In a profound exhibition of his authority over spiritual realms, Jesus embarked on a ministry of casting out demons from those afflicted by malevolent forces.
This transformative aspect of his mission is vividly portrayed in the Gospels, where Jesus encounters individuals tormented by demonic possession and, with commanding power, liberates them from darkness.
The Gospel of Mark (1:21-28) recounts an early instance where Jesus enters a synagogue, and a man possessed by an unclean spirit recognizes him.
With astonishing authority, Jesus commands the impure spirit to leave the man, leaving the witnesses astounded by the tangible power at his disposal.
In another powerful account from Matthew (8:28-34), Jesus encounters two demon-possessed men in the region of the Gadarenes.
These men, so violent that no one could pass by the road they inhabited, were instantly transformed as Jesus ordered the demons into a herd of pigs, demonstrating his dominion over the spiritual realm.
These narratives of exorcism emphasize Jesus’ unparalleled power to liberate individuals from the clutches of malevolent forces. They illuminate his mission not only to heal physical ailments but also to confront and conquer the forces of darkness, offering freedom to those ensnared by spiritual oppression.
In these encounters, Jesus stands as the ultimate deliverer, showcasing his authority over both the seen and unseen realms.
6. Calming the Storm:
In a dramatic manifestation of his supremacy over the natural world, Jesus demonstrated his command over the elements by calming a tumultuous storm on the Sea of Galilee.
This compelling incident, chronicled in the Gospels of Matthew (8:23-27), Mark (4:35-41), and Luke (8:22-25), unfolded as Jesus and his disciples embarked on a boat journey across the sea.
Fear-stricken amid a violent tempest with waves threatening to capsize their ship, the disciples roused Jesus from his peaceful slumber.
With a simple yet authoritative command, Jesus rebuked the winds and the waves, saying, “Quiet! Be still!” Instantaneously, the storm ceased, transforming the raging tempest into a serene calm.
In awe of this miraculous intervention, the disciples marvelled at Jesus’ power over nature, questioning one another, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!” (Mark 4:41).
This episode not only underscored Jesus’ divinely bestowed mastery over the elements but also served as a poignant metaphor for the assurance and tranquillity he brings amidst life’s storms.
In the face of chaos, Jesus emerged as the calming force, illustrating that even the fiercest forces of nature bow to his sovereign command.
7. Multiplying Loaves and Fishes:
Beyond the miraculous feeding of the 5,000, Jesus further demonstrated his divine provision by multiplying a meagre amount of food to satisfy a multitude of 4,000.
This remarkable event, recorded in the Gospels of Matthew (15:32-39) and Mark (8:1-10), unfolded in a remote place where a large crowd had gathered to hear Jesus teach.
As the day progressed, and with compassion for the hunger of the multitude, Jesus turned to his disciples, asking about available provisions. They presented him with seven loaves of bread and a few small fish. Undeterred by the apparent scarcity, Jesus blessed the meagre offering and distributed it among the people.
In an astonishing display of divine multiplication, the meagre seven loaves and a few fish proved sufficient to feed the entire assembly. After everyone had eaten their fill, the disciples collected seven basketfuls of leftover fragments, underscoring the abundance that emanates from the hands of the miraculous provider.
This event not only reiterated Jesus’ capacity to meet the physical needs of the multitude but also carried a symbolic message of spiritual abundance. It served as a living parable, illustrating that in the hands of the Savior, even the seemingly inadequate becomes more than enough, a testament to the boundless generosity in his divine provision.
8. Healing the Woman with the Issue of Blood:

In a poignant display of Jesus’ healing touch, a woman who had endured a debilitating bleeding disorder for twelve years found restoration and relief when she reached out to touch the edge of his cloak.
This touching account is recounted in the Gospels of Matthew (9:20-22), Mark (5:25-34), and Luke (8:43-48).
The woman, desperate for healing, approached Jesus amidst a throng of people.
Believing in the power emanating from him, she thought, “If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed.” With unwavering faith, she reached out and grazed the hem of Jesus’ garment.
At that moment, Jesus, perceiving the healing energy that had flowed from him, turned and said, “Take heart, daughter; your faith has healed you.”
Instantaneously, the woman was healed, freed from the ailment that had plagued her for over a decade.
Jesus not only addressed her physical suffering but also commended her faith, emphasizing the inseparable connection between faith and healing. This touching encounter exemplifies the compassionate nature of Jesus and the transformative power that emanates from a simple touch when rooted in genuine faith.
9. Cursing the Fig Tree:
In a symbolic act laden with profound meaning, Jesus encountered a barren fig tree and, upon finding it devoid of fruit, pronounced a curse that resulted in its instantaneous withering.
This symbolic incident is recounted in the Gospels of Matthew (21:18-22) and Mark (11:12-14, 20-25).
As Jesus approached the fig tree, expecting to find nourishment, he discovered only leaves and no fruit. He responded, “May you never bear fruit again!” Instantly, the fig tree withered from its roots, a vivid illustration of the consequences of spiritual barrenness.
This event carries a rich metaphorical significance, symbolizing the expectations of fruitful living that God has for His people.
The barren fig tree represents spiritual fruitlessness, devoid of the nourishing qualities of faith, love, and obedience. Jesus used this visual parable to convey the importance of genuine, transformative faith that yields the fruit of righteous living.
The withering of the fig tree stands as a poignant warning against mere outward displays without genuine substance.
It underscores the call to bear spiritual fruit and align one’s life with the principles of God’s kingdom.
In this symbolic act, Jesus challenges followers to cultivate lives that abound in the fruit of righteousness, emphasizing the significance of authentic faith and the consequences of spiritual emptiness.
10. Turning water into wine:
At the outset of his public ministry, Jesus embarked on a transformative journey marked by compassion and miraculous power. One of the inaugural displays of his divine authority occurred at a wedding celebration in Cana, as recounted in the Gospel of John (2:1-11).
Amid the festivities, the hosts encountered a predicament— they ran out of wine.
Responding to the earnest concern of his mother, Mary, Jesus, though initially hesitant, performed his inaugural miracle. Commanding the servants to fill six stone water jars, typically used for ceremonial washing, with water, Jesus then instructed them to draw some out and present it to the master of the banquet.
In a moment that echoed with divine intervention, the water had undergone a miraculous transformation into the finest wine. The master of the feast, astonished by the superior quality of the wine produced unexpectedly at the end of the celebration, remarked to the bridegroom about saving the best for last.
This miraculous act at the wedding in Cana not only revealed Jesus’ compassion for the joys and concerns of everyday life but also signaled the inception of a ministry characterized by spiritual transformation and abundance.
It marked the beginning of a journey where water turned into wine, unveiling a glimpse of the extraordinary nature of the One who would later offer the world the cup of salvation.
The diverse array of miracles performed by Jesus during his earthly ministry is a profound testament to his multifaceted nature and divine authority.
From healing the sick and raising the dead to calming storms and multiplying meagre provisions, each of the things Jesus did on earth carried a unique message, illustrating not only his compassion for human suffering but also his dominion over the physical and spiritual realms.
In transforming water into wine at the wedding in Cana, Jesus revealed his miraculous power amidst a joyful celebration, emphasizing his concern for the mundane aspects of human existence.
The symbolic transformation of water into the finest wine mirrored the transformative nature of his ministry, offering the world a taste of the extraordinary.
Whether demonstrating authority over nature, healing the afflicted, or challenging spiritual fruitlessness, Jesus consistently pointed to a reality beyond the visible, inviting individuals to embrace a deeper understanding of faith and divine connection.
In all things Jesus did on earth, there lies a narrative of compassion, redemption, and an invitation to a more prosperous, meaningful life.
Ultimately, these miracles form a tapestry highlighting Jesus’ multifaceted mission—bringing healing, redemption, and the revelation of God’s kingdom.
Each miraculous encounter serves as a beacon, guiding humanity towards a profound understanding of the extraordinary nature of the One who walked among us, leaving an indelible mark on history.