Countries with the Best Police Force in the World by Ranking 2024

Ufoh Uche

This Article was Reviewed by The Chief Editor, Godfrey

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Determining the best police force in the world depends on various criteria such as efficiency, community relations, training, technology usage, and crime resolution rates. Countries with these chsrscterisric include England, Canada, Japan, Italy, etc.

These countries are recognized for their low crime rates, high levels of public trust, advanced training, and effective use of technology. Japan, for instance, is noted for its community-centred approach and remarkably low crime statistics.

Scandinavian police forces are lauded for their transparency and community engagement. Meanwhile, Germany and Canada are known for their efficient, well-trained, and professional police services.

Each of these examples excels in different areas, reflecting law enforcement’s varied approaches and priorities worldwide.

In case you’ve been considering going into the police force, or you need the help of the police force. The writings of this post will enlighten you on the way to go. 

The Best Police Force in the World with their Countries 


Best Police Force in the World

Metropolitan (Scotland Yard Police)

Source: AP News

The police force in the United Kingdom ranks very highly on our list of best Police Force in the World. The Metropolitan Police Department, widely regarded as one of the greatest in the world, has gone above and beyond by launching a campaign to increase public familiarity with the police emergency number. 

This campaign aims to ensure that as many people as possible know how to reach the emergency services established to defend the country in times of crisis. 

The United Kingdom’s Scotland Yard Police, often regarded as among the world’s finest, has stations in all major cities and serves many outlying regions. In that manner, safety is guaranteed in every area.

England’s policing system remains mostly unchanged from the model established by Sir Robert Peel. The British police force uses a tactic known as “flexible policing,” which entails operating with the general public’s approval. 

In the United Kingdom, the police are the people, and the people are the police. Officers here are held to a higher standard of transparency and accountability than their counterparts in other countries. 

As an added disclaimer, they are neither a paramilitary nor a political organisation. They are the most open police force in the world. 

The UK police announce the results of crime recording and how they will address particular areas. The IPCC, or Independent Police Complaints Commission, keeps tabs on the police and investigates complaints whenever necessary.

Compared to other systems, the one used to recruit police officers in the United Kingdom is among the neatest. 

It ensures that every newly minted cop performs up to par after years of schooling and preparation. 

The discipline enforced and promoted during this training is comparable to that of other tactically trained troops we are familiar with. 

The police forces of the United Kingdom are widely regarded as the most professional and well-trained in the world.


Best Police Force in the World | Canada

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

Source: Imaginaire

Our ranking of the top police forces in nations places the RCMP second place. The police training in Canada is still above average even though it may not encounter war-related scenarios as other nations do. 

As Paris did a few years ago, they prepared them for those unforeseen circumstances. The Canadian Police have started things and prepared them because life is unpredictable. 

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Instead of the “made-up stories” about rose-coloured police work, they established training colleges where officers could participate in advanced, specialised development programmes. 

Trainee officers should have a realistic attitude to work from when doing their tasks rather than being stuck when the time comes if they are honestly told what is required of them in the field.

The RCMP, like all the world’s top police agencies, is required to complete practical training in addition to academic instruction. 

Senior police officers are going about their tasks when their field training takes a little turn. Instead of being given a predetermined example or scenario, they receive experience “on the job side,” which better prepares them for the future.

For over a century, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) has been a premier law enforcement agency. 

The RCMP requires individuals from various backgrounds who are highly driven and have excellent leadership qualities. 

Because of their highly skilled crew, the RCMP is well-known worldwide. This police force is among the best in the world. 

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) has gained international respect due to its stellar reputation. 

Due to its excellent training, other law enforcement agencies frequently ask the RCMP to train their officers, demonstrating the agency’s strong leadership in the field.


Best Police Force in the World

Royal Marechaussee, The Gendarmerie

Source: FIEP

The discipline and training of the Dutch police is very high. These forces are the most cooperative police I have ever seen. 

The Dutch police have an incredible organisational structure with strategically positioned and arranged units. 

The Central Regional Police Services make up the majority of these units. The Dutch Commissioner operates every one of these units. 

The Dutch Minister of Justice ensures the armed forces operate correctly and orderly. 

Even the finest police forces in the world are faced with routine daily chores, and officers in these units are expected to be ready to perform them.

Dutch police are very skilled to the fullest extent. They have received specialised training to deal with most circumstances. 

It is admirable that they have shown a united front and can work as a team to achieve the same goal. They can be seen on the streets in most of the Netherlands and are rather noticeable. 

Their primary goals are being alert, watching for anything fishy, and stopping it before it starts.


Best Police Force in the World

National Police of France

Source: Quora

The National Police of France comes in at number four on our list. The NPF is regarded as one of the world’s top police forces and other elite forces. 

The most incredible carnage in French history would have occurred. The average police officer is ill-equipped to disarm a bomb, handle situations that could destroy an entire city, and potentially endanger hundreds or thousands of lives. 

For these reasons, France established their law enforcement units in advance, allocating resources following their training.

When it comes to concerns of destruction such as these, for example, France’s cannonball force or ace card is the Gendarmerie Nationale. 

Under the Ministry of Defence, they are France’s committed Army force. Called upon to perform at their highest level in their specialised tactical units in relatively dire situations. 

For example, terrorist attacks and other significant circumstances that France might encounter at any given moment.

They are in charge of providing ground support and air support, setting up and positioning tactically prepared teams to respond to commands. In addition, to carry out specific land works to lessen opposition, etc. 

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They have the most significant advantage when they are on standby, which means they are prepared to counterattack with many defence mechanisms, expertise, and training on their side and at the nation’s request, but under the direction and approval of the French Ministry of Defence.

Traditionally, France’s municipal police forces have been trained to handle relatively minor crimes, like automobile accidents, petty theft, muggings, missing person cases, and speeding fines. 

But each squad in their police force is accountable for ensuring that the nation’s honour is denied regularly in addition to the police mentioned above forces. 

The Gendarmerie Nationale and Municipal Police, France, has its tactical force, which is in charge of carrying out duties slightly differently from those of the other two. France’s tactical force is an entirely distinct kind of force, trained to support on demand.


Best Police Force in the World

Japanese National police

Source: Japan Times

Japan’s police are trained along the same lines as the U.S. military. Both Japan and the US have the best police forces. 

The roots of Japan’s premier leadership academy may be traced back to the 1960s when the country’s political and social climate was less than ideal. 

You can rest assured that the older officers had rigorous training in the force and that if they were to pass on their knowledge to younger officers, the newer officers would be taught the same respect for authority and commitment to duty that they had been taught.

Their police training curriculum is among the world’s best and most comprehensive. Almost every facet of law enforcement and crime prevention is addressed.

The journey of the “average Joe” to the ranks of the world’s best-trained police agencies. The following branches of the Japanese National Police force are open to both men and women for training.

Department of General Affairs, in charge of things like Finance and Students

Police Administration Training Division, which teaches every recruit the mass and secure management of paperwork, emergency calls, etc.

The Division of Police Training for General Safety ensures that standard procedures for protecting the public from harm are followed.

Department of Community Policing Training, serving those with the greatest need for police assistance.

The Criminal Investigation Training Division conducts in-depth investigations in nearly all types of cases, to the point where a convicted criminal in the case under investigation would be damned if they were ever caught.

The Japanese police force’s Organised Crime Training Division is responsible for keeping tabs on the Yakuza, a notorious Asian mafia group with a reputation for brutality. 

If you don’t have the guts to take on this dangerous assignment, your career as a police officer in Japan may as well be over before it even begins.

With a population of over 100 million, Japan’s Traffic Division is well-prepared to handle the country’s notoriously high rates of road rage, accidents, congestion, and collateral pileups of vehicles. 

This starkly contrasts the traffic police of any country outside Asia and the Americas. One of the primary law enforcers, the Security Police Division, deals with hostility, bank robberies, and the possibility of death daily.

Another respectable section of the military is the Instructor Training Division, just as doctors, lawyers, police officers, accountants, and almost every other. 

High-ranked profile members of society went through underappreciated knowledge and departed valuable education from Teachers or Lecturers. 

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So, too, the tactically trained officers of Japan relied on them to be tough, physically strengthened, and competent law officers.

Every problem within their expertise area falls under the purview of this strategically organised division.

A dedicated Research and Training Centre also investigates financial crimes, including money laundering, fraud, etc. 

The Japanese police also prepare their tech-savvy citizens for work in the Cybercrime division, where they investigate and prosecute offences such as child pornography cyberbullying. 

Copyright laws, hacking, and many others protect the unauthorised downloading of content. The Japanese police force is the fiercest and among the finest trained. 

Being able to implement a crisis management system for victims of natural disasters like earthquakes and catastrophic circumstances like police riots, etc., is a fantastic example of going above and beyond the call of duty. 

‘Kobans’ are small sub-offices dispersed widely throughout Japan that connect callers to the nearest and most convenient security measure available. This is part of the Japanese police force’s unusual and very effective use of ‘Kobans’.


Best Police Force in the World | Italy

The Italian Mafia

Source: Vanguard News

The arrests of two of the most dangerous and violent Mafia Bosses, who had been hiding in the depths of barren mountains, were made possible by the “Italian Anti- Mafia” division of the Italian National Police, widely considered to be one of the best police forces in the world. 

Every officer in the world, and anyone who informs on the Mafia, knows that their privilege of power and influence allows them to commit ruthless acts to achieve almost anything they desire. 

Including the successful destruction of enemies and innocent families in retaliation for wrongdoing.

Even though the entire Mafia organisation has not been brought to justice, other ‘Capos – Soldiers of the Mafia are still at large.  

The families of the officers who conducted the search and arrests of the Mafia men are all still alive and well thanks to the professional, intelligent, and highly cautious way in which they went about their work. 

The Italian Police Force, widely regarded as one of the best police forces in the world, comprises a whopping 300,000 officers deployed across five national and five local police forces. 

This is by far the most significant police force in the European Union. The safety of each community is maximised with such a dense concentration of police officers.


Every member of the police force has a responsibility to protect the public by enforcing the law and stopping criminal activity. 

This article lists the best police force in the world based on factors including the quality of law enforcement, national security, and other relevant factors. 

Each Police force has been ranked according to their training and performance thus far. Hence, you are free to use the comment box for question or observation.


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About the Chief Editor

Godfrey Ogbo, the Chief Editor and CEO of AtlanticRide, merges his environmental management expertise with extensive business experience, including in real estate. With a master's degree and a knack for engaging writing, he adeptly covers complex growth and business topics. His analytical approach and business insights enrich the blog, making it a go-to source for readers seeking thoughtful and informed content.

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