Fun July Facts That Will Spice Up Your Summer!

Ufoh Uche

This Article was Reviewed by The Chief Editor, Godfrey

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Reviewed by Soliu.

The month of July is the Ice Cream Month. This is likely one of the most well-known fun July facts, and for good reason.

July, which is the middle of summer, brings a strong sense of joy and excitement. As the days get longer, there are more and more ways to have fun and be excited. July is the best month to spice up your summer because the weather is warm and a lot is going on. 

This piece will take you on a tour of some of the most exciting things about July, from historical events to outdoor adventures to nature wonders. Get ready to get into the July spirit and learn a lot of fun things and interesting facts that will make your summer even more memorable.

Fun July Facts

30 Fun July Facts That You Probably Don’t Know About

  •  July is a fun and party-filled month. It is the month that knows how to throw a party. From parties in the backyard to bonfires on the beach, this month is all about praising life and spending time with family and friends. 
  • July brings out the happy side in all of us, whether we are enjoying the warm glow of fireworks or a delicious ice cream cone.
  • On July 29, 1945, a shark struck the U.S. Navy blimp K-74 over the Gulf of Mexico. The shark bit a hole in the blimp’s cover, but the blimp was still able to rest safely.
  •  On July 30, 1945, a giant squid struck the USS Balao submarine in the Pacific Ocean. The squid curled its limbs around the submarine’s propeller, but the crew was able to turn on the engine and free the submarine.
  • Neil Armstrong, alongside Buzz Aldrin, was the first person to walk on the moon. They did this on July 16, 1969. The Apollo 11 moon landing signified a big step in human history, and it is still one of the most famous things that happened in the 20th century.
  • The Voyager 1 probe left Earth on July 4, 1980, to go to the edge of the solar system. The Voyager 1 is now the farthest human-made object in space, and it is still sending data back to experts.
  •  The euro became the official legal tender of 12 countries in the European Union on July 1, 2002. After the U.S. dollar, the euro is now the second most familiar currency in the world.
  • In the astrology calendar, July is a significant month. It marks the start of summer and is known for having a lot of energy and a nice feeling. People who were born in July are thought to have a unique mix of confidence, imagination, and kindness.

So, if you were born in July, get ready to accept your special astrology meaning and shine like the summer sun!

Fun July Facts
  1.  The month of July is the Ice Cream Month. This is likely one of the most well-known fun July facts, and for good reason! Everyone loves ice cream. In fact, each year, the average American eats 23 pounds of ice cream.
  1.  The United States celebrates Independence Day on July 4. On this day, Americans remember when the Declaration of Independence was signed, which meant that the country was no longer tied to Great Britain.
  1.  On July 14, France celebrates Bastille Day. The breaking of the Bastille prison in 1789. This was a significant turning point in history for the French Revolution. This holiday is a way to remember that time.
  1. The International Day of Women is on July 23. This day is a celebration of how far women have come and a call for men and women to have the same rights.
  1. In the United States, July 28 is Hot Dog Day. Summer is a good time for hot dogs, and this holiday is a chance to celebrate them in all their glory.
  1. National Bikini Day, National S’mores Day, National Watermelon Month, and National Sunglasses Day all happen in June.
  1. July is seen as the hottest month of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. The average temperature in July is 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
  1.  The summer solstice, which happens in July in the Northern Hemisphere, is the longest day of the year. This happens every year on June 21 or 22.
  1.  The Perseid meteor shower happens in July. It is one of the most well-known meteor storms of the year. 

Why July is in July?

Fun July Facts

1. July is named after a Roman general

Did you know that the month of July is named after a Roman general named Julius Caesar? You are right. I agree. The person who said “Veni, vidi, vici,” which means “I came, I saw, I won,” also gave us the month of July. In 45 B.C., the Roman Senate decided to honour the man by naming the month after him. What a way to make a big impression!

2. Independence Day is a big holiday in July.

24th July is one of July’s biggest and most popular celebrations. Americans enjoy the birth of the United States by putting on their best red, white, and blue clothes, firing up the grill, and getting together with family and friends. Nothing makes you feel more proud to be an American than the sound of gunshots in the night sky and the taste of a perfectly grilled burger.

3. Amazing fireworks shows

In July, the best thing to do is watch fireworks shows. In July, most people like to watch fireworks. Cities and towns all over the country put on impressive fireworks shows to celebrate Independence Day. 

    We are always amazed by fireworks shows, whether they are big flashes of colour or light shows set to music. So grab a blanket, find a good place to watch, and get ready to be amazed by the magic in the sky.

      4. July is the best month to soak up the sun

      Every summer is complete with a trip to the beach, and July is the best month to soak up the sun. The beach is a great place to have fun and relax, whether you are sitting on the sand, building sandcastles with your kids, or riding the waves on a surfboard. Just remember to bring sunblock!

      5. The barbecue bonanza

      July’s barbecue bonanza brings the heat to your backyard. Now is the time when cooking becomes an art, and your taste buds are in for a treat. Everyone can find something they like in July, whether they like meat or veggies. The grill is the star of the show. 

        It makes juicy steaks, tasty burgers, hotdogs, and grilled greens. Get ready to light it up and enjoy some tasty smoked foods.

          6. The night to remember

          There are many beautiful things in the sky at night in July that will blow your mind. Grab a blanket and go outside in July to see what is going on in the sky.

          Look up at the night sky to see bright planets or meteor showers like the Delta Aquariids. When shooting stars light up the night sky in the summer, you can feel the magic of the season.

          Fun July Facts

            7. July birthstones and star signs

            Did you know that the month of July has two birthstones? The birthstones for this beautiful month are Ruby and Carnelian. With their bright red colours, they show perfectly how July makes you feel. 

            8. Those born in July have the zodiac signs

            Those born in July have the zodiac signs Cancer (June 21–July 22) or Leo (July 23–August 22). So let your inner animal or crab scream!

              9. Elsie the Borden Cow took a helicopter ride over New York City

              Elsie the Borden Cow took a helicopter ride over New York City on July 13, 1958, to promote Borden Milk. At the time, Elsie was the company’s most famous advertising mascot, and her helicopter ride was a big marketing stunt.

                10. The world’s most giant rubber duck introduction

                Fun July Facts | World's most giant rubber duck

                In 2013, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, introduced the world’s most giant rubber duck. The duck was taller than 60 feet and heavier than 6 tons. It was so big that a boat had to pull it.

                11. The world’s largest barbecue day

                In 1991, Australia held the world’s largest barbecue. The grill was more than 2 miles long and cooked more than 100,000 hamburgers.

                12. The biggest watermelon-eating event

                Every year in Hope, Arkansas, the biggest watermelon-eating event in the world takes place. In 2022, the person who won the event ate 11 watermelons in 10 minutes.

                13. The hot dog-eating event day

                Every year, Coney Island, New York, hosts the most significant hot dog-eating event in the world. In 2022, the person who won the event ate 76 hot dogs in 10 minutes.

                14. National Ice Cream Day

                Did you know that July is National Ice Cream Month? Yes, an entire month is devoted to this delicious frozen treat. So, you are at liberty to get some to enjoy the month of July. 

                National Ice Cream Month

                 How knowing about July can make your summer more enjoyable. 

                Now that you know some exciting things about July, you can use them in many ways to make your summer more enjoyable. You can, among other things:

                1. At your next gathering or cookout, tell your friends and family about them.
                1.  Use them as talk openers when you meet new people.
                1.  Keep your kids busy when you are driving for a long time.
                1.  Share them on social media to make your fans feel like they are part of something special.
                1. You can use them as inspiration for writing or making art.
                1. Hold a quiz night in July. Invite friends and family over for a night of fun and games. You can look online for July quiz questions or make your own.
                1.  Give a show of July facts. This is a great way to show other people what you know about July. You can give a talk at work, at school, or even just to your friends and family.
                1. Write a book of July facts. This is a great way to keep track of your study and let other people know about it. You can even put your book out in print or online.
                1. Make a calendar of facts about July. This is a fun way to learn something new about July every day. You can make a calendar yourself or find one online.

                No matter how you use them, these interesting July facts will make your summer more fun in some way.


                Who is the honour of July month?

                Caesar Julius. The month of July is after Julius Caesar, the then-Roman leader and politician who lived from 100 B.C. to 44 B.C. Before 44 B.C., July was called Quintilis, which means “fifth month.” 

                There used to be 10 months in a year, but when the Romans switched to 12 months, Quintilis became the seventh month, but it held its name until 44 B.C.

                What is a fact about July 21?

                On this day in the past, Napoleon’s Army of Egypt beat the Egyptian forces of Murd Bey at the Battle of the Pyramids on July 21, 1798. They did this by using a new tactical strategy called the huge divisional square.

                What represents July?

                Ruby is the birthstone for July, and it is one of the most-wanted gems. The name comes from the Latin word ruber, which means “red”—the colour of love and passion. The ruby gem is one of the few things that really stands out.

                Why is July 7 a special day?

                The National Day Calendar says that July 7 is the National Day of Rock ‘n’ Roll, so put on your dancing shoes and dance the day away! On National Day of Rock ‘n’ Roll, we will help you get into the groove by telling you when rock ‘n’ roll first hit the lists.

                What is the star of July?

                Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Leo is from July 23 to August 22. 

                Virgo for (August 23 to September 22)

                 Libra for (September 23 to October 22)

                Star of July


                Although July may come and go, these fun July facts will remain as marvellous and exciting as ever.  Let us use July’s spirit of fun and energy to keep enjoying the magic of summer in the days to come.

                So, go out and enjoy the days of the season, and keep the spirit of July in your heart until next summer.

                Do you have any exciting secret that you wish to share concerning July? Share them with us in the comment section, and let the joy of July spread abroad. 


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                About the Chief Editor

                Godfrey Ogbo, the Chief Editor and CEO of AtlanticRide, merges his environmental management expertise with extensive business experience, including in real estate. With a master's degree and a knack for engaging writing, he adeptly covers complex growth and business topics. His analytical approach and business insights enrich the blog, making it a go-to source for readers seeking thoughtful and informed content.

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