Best Paying Jobs in Industrial Machinery and Components

William Nwokoji

This Article was Reviewed by The Chief Editor, Godfrey

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Are you planning to build a career in engineering but want to know the best paying jobs in industrial machinery and components?

If that is the case, then you are on the right track because this article will give you a sounding review of the high paying jobs in the technology industry.

But then, it is important to say that industrial machinery and components have grown into a superior and constant source of income now.

And before we move further, it’s important we briefly take a look at the overview of industrial machinery and components.

What are industrial machinery and components?

It’s very difficult to explain the meaning of industrial machinery and components in a concise and straightforward term.

This is because there are diverse machines used in the industrial setting for different purposes.

Industrial machinery is very key in maintaining the efficacy of all businesses.

In addition, it is also responsible for the repair and maintenance of factory machines to produce efficient and effective output.

Best Paying Jobs in Industrial Machinery and Components

Best Paying Jobs in Industrial machinery and components

So if you are determined to pursue a degree in any course related to industrial machinery, you have many career options to choose from.

Thus, this publication will give you an insight into the average salaries of the high paying jobs, jobs description etc., in the industrial machinery/components.

With this, you should be able to determine the best career and role that is most suitable for you in this sector.

1. Instrumentation Engineer

Talking about the best paying jobs in industrial machinery and components, Control and Instrumentation (C&I) Engineer cannot be overemphasized.

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Instrumentation engineers are well versed in the study of instruments needed to effectively control other automotive systems.

That is to say, C&I Engineer task is to design, build, install and maintain any equipment needed by other engineering systems to function efficiently.

With this career opportunity, you may work for any high-end technology company that manufactures and supplies automation equipment.

And you may equally work for companies that use this automation equipment. Companies like nuclear companies, quality control commissions, renewable energy providers, etc.

Be that as it may, as a Control and Instrumentation Engineer, you can become a consultant where you’ll be giving advice to clients.

That is, you’ll be consulted and give advice on engineering systems, write reviews on automation systems, identify auto-problems and their solutions, etc.

To apply for this high paying job opportunity in industrial machinery, make sure to have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in, at least, Automation Engineering.

On average, a Control and Instrumentation Engineer earn an estimated salary of $107,881 per year.

2. Research and Development Engineer

The research and development engineers also play an active role in the industrial machinery sector.

They devise and produce new manufacturing methods and products using their innovative and analytical instinct.

Also, research and development engineers often work independently and they sometimes work as a team to complete projects within deadlines.

So where they are working as a team with other departments, such teams can not further ahead with the project prototype or testing in the absence of R&D engineers.

Such is how important and magnificent they are in the industrial machinery and components field.

To apply for a research and development engineer career opportunity, you must have a master’s or bachelor’s degree in the respective field.

And where you choose to become a research and developing engineer in aerospace, there’s a need for a Ph.D. degree.

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On average salary, research and developing engineers earn an estimated salary of $92,781 per year.

3. Powertrain Engineer

Next on the list of the best paying jobs in industrial machinery and components is Power train Engineer.

Being a Powertrain engineer means you’ll be working in the automotive and machinery industry.

They mostly deal with motor vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, box trucks, semi-trucks, and the likes.

There, it’s part of your duty to improve the performance of electrical parts, powertrain, software, and other engines used in diverse machines.

Plus, Powertrain engineers also determine project timelines, budgeting, prototype testing, analysis, and research material, in that order.

To find your way into this high pay job in industrial components industry, a Bachelor’s degree is a must. Also, a Master’s degree is an added advantage.

In industrial machinery and components sector, a powertrain engineer estimated average salary is $102,363 per year.

4. Industrial Designers

Worthy of mention in this list are the industrial design engineers. They are responsible for creating and designing items to be manufactured.

In case this high paying career opportunity interests you, your creative and innovative instinct must be second to none.

As a matter of fact, industrial designers usually consider the functionality. Also, they look at the aesthetics, usability, and the production costs when coming up with new product ideas.

After all, they are responsible for coming up with numerous ideas. Some of these ideas have led to the manufacturing of automobiles, home appliances, toys, etc.

Keeping all those conditions at heart in the course of designing a new product is very necessary to prevent future loss.

Hence, if you can combine arts with business and engineering to create items that people use on a daily basis, this particular career field is for you.

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Top companies in the machinery and components sector pay their industrial designers an estimated average salary of $99,376 per year.

Best Paying Jobs in Industrial Machinery and Components

5. Automation Engineers

There’s no way you can work in industrial components and machinery industry as an Automation Engineer without a degree certificate.

In fact, findings show that top manufacturing and food processing companies won’t accept an Automation Engineer without a Masters degree.

This is because they are usually expected to work with infrastructure and self-operating machines like robots to perform high-end tasks.

Equally, it’s their duty to communicate with clients to understand how the machine works. After all, they design, develop, install, and maintain all automated devices.

If you end up becoming an Automation Engineer and you happen to work for top companies, your average salary should be worth $110,024 per year.


There are numerous high paying career options and jobs unexploited in the industrial machinery sector.

Lack of eligible candidates with requisite requirements poses the major reason for these vacancies.

On this note, if you have all it takes to work in this industry, the above discussed are the best paying jobs in industrial machinery and components.

Take your time to digest this review and don’t hesitate to pursue the one that interests you the most.


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About the Chief Editor

Godfrey Ogbo, the Chief Editor and CEO of AtlanticRide, merges his environmental management expertise with extensive business experience, including in real estate. With a master's degree and a knack for engaging writing, he adeptly covers complex growth and business topics. His analytical approach and business insights enrich the blog, making it a go-to source for readers seeking thoughtful and informed content.

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