Reviewed by Soliu.
The best quotes by Bishop David Oyedepo’s would have to be chosen by individuals and from the quotes that resonate with them most, personally, I think the quotes that resonate with me most are:
- There is no mountain anywhere, everyman’s ignorance is his mountain
- Faith does not answers to wishes but to working
- The foolishness of faith is the winning ticket in life
- Your harvest is not in view until your prayers rises up to heaven
- Your believe is what makes you, you are a product of your thought, what you believe is what you become

Bishop David Oyedepo is the founder of Living Faith Church worldwide popularly known as Winners Chapel, below are some of his best quotes:
- Until you know what is written you can’t control what is happening
- It takes inner strength to overcome your fears
- Absence of light makes us victims of happenings in life
- The farther you are from the word of God, the filthier your life becomes
- Wisdom and knowledge are the stabilizers of our destiny, God’s word is where your spiritual energy comes from
- Until something changes within you, nothing changes around you.
- Something do change with time but time itself changes nothing
- Great gain begin with great thinking
- Only those who believe in need for a change remains in charge
- You are at your best when you are at yourself
- A change of status begins with a change of desire
- Your originality is your greatest value
- You do not need a century to effect a change, you only need effective preparation to provoke unusual transformation
- Many wants to be commanders but not all wants to obey the commandments
- Your mind is the gateway to your life
- Those that sweat with you need to eat the sweet with you
- Your place in life is lost when your mind is out of place
- The state of your mind determines the quality of your life
- What you hear determines how you think, how you think determines how you behave, how you behave determines what you become
- The destiny you are never truly committed to can never be actualized.
Quotes by Bishop David Oyedepo

- You cant dominate the world until you are dominated by God
- You can not fail with fact
- A closed mouth is a closed destiny
- What you will become in life must first be seen in your mind
- How far you can see determine how far you can go
- Your decision determine how successful you will become in life
- When you know little more than others you will lead them without stress
- Poverty is not a gift from God but a result of your actions
- Every star is known to be a thinker, and every thinker is bound to be a star
- Praying without working is playing without knowing
- Your success is not determined by what you have but what you do with what you have
- When i seek the face of God i fear not the face of men
- Staying in the word of God will make you be on top of the world
- If you leave your life to chance you don’t have a chance
- Nothing is more valuable than insight in the journey of life
- You are running with a vision, going on a mission or burning with passion, if you do not belong to any of these, then life is reduced to a burden
- Riches and honor is direct product of wisdom
- When you stop thinking you start stinking, it is the thinker’s world
- Every divine deposits multiplies with use
- Givers are rulers and winners.
Bishop David Oyedepo’s Quotes
- Idea is the strongest currency in business market
- Knowledge is not marketable, it is a skill you market, skill is not a function of the paper you carry, it is a function of the tactics and the strategies you engage in handling your assignment
- It is your level of understanding that determines your level of possession
- You can’t live in the midst of noise and make the most of the treasure called your mind
- You cannot be committed and not be creative, you cannot be creative and not be productive and you cannot be productive and not be successful and you cannot be outstandingly successful and not be impactful
- The covenant is God’s hammer for breaking financial hardships, wealth in the kingdom does not answer to prayers nor does it have respect for fasting, it only answers to qualitative covenant exercise
- Wealth is a product of wits
- When you habitually lives in sin, you are destroying your mental capacity
- Every man of integrity naturally enjoys mental dignity
- Your faith is what determines the event of your life
- Dedication is the mystery behind distinction,how dedicated you are determines how distinguished you will ever become in the kingdom
- When you are truly lost in God you will be truly sought after by men
- Wealth is the product of man’s capacity to think
- Your faith is what determines the event of your life
- Your financial revolution is tied to what you do with your finances on the gospel
- Life has no return match
- Inspiration is the movement of the holy spirit in man’s mental faculty
- Your work determines your worth
- Divine wisdom commands practical proof
- The holy spirit quickens your mentality and empowers your mental faculty for supernatural exploits.
Quotes and Wise Words by Bishop David Oyedepo
The following are motivational quotes by Bishop David Oyedepo

- Until you put your mind to work, God will not mind you
- The Holy Spirit is the gateway to the realm of divine intelligence
- Your imagination set the pace for your destination
- Financial corruption is deadly attack from hell
- The flow of wisdom stops where meekness stops
- The level to which you engage your mind determines the level of result you obtain
- Dream it believe it and you become it
- Don’t assume knowledge, consciously acquire it
- When you take matriculation to mean convocation it is a welcome to mediocrity
- Life without law is deadly and chaotic, it is colorless, let’s enjoy the laws of God
- It is your mental picture that determines your your actual future
- You are not a failure until you start looking for who to blame for it
- When you read for pleasure you will live under pressure
- If you want to enjoy the full benefits of the christian ;life it is time you give yourself to meditation
- Faith that works is the faith that speaks
- Anything you are not serious about you can not make the most of it
- A day is coming when we will have gold as dust
- A walk with Jesus is a profession, it is business engaging in word practice, serving God is big time business, fasting is big time business for high level profiting
- When you are away from the body(through fasting) you are at rest with the lord
- There is a concoction of scriptures that compel God to give you audience, strong reasons are a result of strong search.
Bishop David Oyedepo’s Wise Words
The following are inspirational quotes by Bishop David Oyedepo:
- The moment God can trust you that you will not misbehave with his supplies he will put them across, it is your capacity rating that determines what he put across to you
- If you are a pastor show it by pastoring productively not by traveling extensively
- If you believe it then show it with corresponding action, when your action don’t align with what you claim to believe, it is fake
- It is the prayer of faith that heals not the prayer of days
- The greatest enemy of the believer is not the devil, it is spiritual ignorance, the cure for spiritual ignorance is divine revelation
- Anything that Christ has paid for and is still tormenting you is illegal
- Redemption does not only impact on our spirit it impacts on our mind and the body because he is also the savior of the body
- It is your heartbeat for God that determines your beats for the earth
- You can’t give yourself wholly and not experience God fully
- Giving becomes a delight when your life becomes a gift
- You can’t be truly sold out for God and not stand out on earth
- Through the communion we enjoy a mind transplant
- Dedication implies a deadly commitment to the caller and then the calling
- It is the blessings of God that makes rich not the smartness of man
- Wisdom is knowing the right thing to do and doing it, knowing the right way to go and going there
- No word-lazy man can fulfill destiny, no word-lazy man can has a future
- Divine plan is useless without divine insight
- Every soul winner is on God’s payroll and the pay package is far beyond monetary value
- If you are not in the position to be on the go preaching you must be on your knees praying
- Until a man is born again his praise is mere noise or religious entertainment, only the living can praise the lord.