100 Worst Dare Questions Ever Asked

Ufoh Uche

This Article was Reviewed by The Chief Editor, Godfrey

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Reviewed by Soliu.

Some of the worst dare questions ever asked are; 

  • Perform a handstand against a tree for 10 seconds,
  • Wear underwear on your head for the next three rounds,
  • Break up with your partner over the phone, etc.

Dare questions are often used in games like Truth or Dare to challenge participants to step outside their comfort zones and do something unexpected or daring. While some dare questions can be harmless and fun, others may cross the line and become inappropriate or uncomfortable. 

Here, I’ll categorize and provide a detailed overview of some of the worst dare questions ever asked, ranging from mildly embarrassing to potentially harmful. 

 worst dare questions ever asked

100 Worst Dare Questions Ever Asked

1. Wear socks on your hands for the rest of the game.

2. Dance like nobody’s watching for one minute.

3. Try a combination of two random foods that the group chooses.

4. Drink a glass of water while pinching your nose.

5. Eat a piece of fruit without using your hands.

6. Pay for a stranger’s coffee or meal.

7. Hug a stranger and tell them they’re awesome.

8. Post a funny selfie on your social media account right now.

9. Text your crush and ask them out for coffee.

10. Comment on a celebrity’s social media post with a joke.

11. Send a voice message to someone with a silly accent.

12. Do a cartwheel in the backyard.

13. Run around the block while singing a song loudly.

14. Perform a handstand against a tree for 10 seconds.

15. Start a conversation with a stranger and make them laugh.

16. Give your phone to someone, and they can send one text to anyone in your contacts.

17. Let someone else choose a song and dance to it for one minute.

18. Send a voice message to a family member saying you won the lottery (and then reveal the truth).

19. Swap outfits with another player for one round.

20. Wear mismatched shoes for the next three rounds.

21. Choose someone to ask you a truth question, and you must answer honestly.

22. Ask the person to your left to give you a dare.

23. Impersonate a famous politician giving a speech.

24. Pretend to be a famous rock star performing a song.

25. Impersonate a famous cartoon character.

 worst dare questions ever asked

26. Balance a spoon on your nose for one minute.

27. Recite the alphabet backward in 30 seconds.

28. Do 20 jumping jacks in a row.

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29. Stand on one foot for two minutes.

30. Try to lick your elbow (and fail hilariously).

31. Share your most embarrassing childhood memory.

32. Tell a funny but embarrassing story about yourself.

33. Reenact the last embarrassing thing that happened to you.

34. Recreate an embarrassing moment from a movie or TV show.

35. Call a random contact from your phone and sing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” to them.

36. Call a pizza place and order a pizza with unusual toppings.

37. Post a confession about something silly you’ve done on social media.

38. Attempt to somersault (if space permits).

39. Do 10 push-ups or sit-ups.

40. Try to touch your toes without bending your knees.

41. Attempt to breakdance for one minute.

42. Blindfold yourself and identify three different objects by touch.

43. Jump into a pool fully clothed.

44. Recite a tongue twister without stumbling.

45. Put a spoonful of peanut butter on your nose and try to lick it off.

46. Balance a book on your head and walk around the room.

47. Put a coin in your mouth and try to flip it onto your forehead.

48. Yell “I love pizza!” as loudly as you can in a public place.

49. Challenge a stranger to a thumb-wrestling

50. Stand in a public place and give a passionate speech about the importance of silliness and laughter.

 worst dare questions ever asked

51. Eat a spoonful of hot sauce

52. Wear your shirt backwards for the rest of the day

53. Sing your favourite song backward

54. Dance in front of the group for one minute

55. Say “banana” 100 times

56. Pretend to be a chicken for one minute

57. Swap seats with the person on your left for one round.

58. Speak in an accent for the next three rounds.

59. Text your best friend and tell them you’re getting married tomorrow.

60. Put an ice cube down your back.

61. Talk like a pirate for the next five minutes.

62. Make up a short rap about a random object in the room.

63. Put on a funny hat and wear it for the rest of the game.

 worst dare questions ever asked

64. Call a random contact from your phone and sing “Happy Birthday” to them.

65. Pretend to be a news reporter and give a live report on a fictional event.

66. Draw a funny picture of one of the players and show it to everyone.

67. Stand on one foot for two minutes.

68. Attempt to do a cartwheel (if space permits).

69. Share a funny but embarrassing story about yourself.

70. Do a trust fall with someone in the room.

71. Recite the alphabet backward in 30 seconds.

72. Solve a riddle given by another player.

73. Play “Rock, Paper, Scissors” with another player, and the loser has to dance silly.

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74. Send a voice message to a family member saying you’re joining the circus (and then reveal the truth).

75. Do an impression of a famous cartoon character.

76. Pretend to be a superhero and strike a heroic pose..

77. Choose someone to ask you a truth question, and you must answer honestly.

78. Wear mismatched shoes for the next three rounds.

79. Post a confession about something silly you’ve done on social media.

80. Sculpt something out of Play-Doh in one minute.

81. Draw a funny mustache on your face with a washable marker.

82. Attempt to breakdance for one minute.

83. Share your most recent text message with the group.

84. Post a funny selfie on your social media account right now.

85. Attempt to juggle three random objects in the room (safely).

86. Do a funny dance and let someone film it for a 15-second video.

87. Put on a pair of funny glasses and wear them for the next three rounds.

88. Count to one million out loud (with a time limit, of course).

89. Speak in a foreign language you don’t actually know for one minute.

90. Run a marathon around the room.

91. Recite the entire dictionary from memory.

92. Solve a Rubik’s Cube in under one minute.

93. Eat an entire pizza in one bite.

94. Balance a book on your head and walk in a straight line.

95. Speak like a robot and only communicate in beeps and boops.

96. Try to fly around the room (in a pretend manner, of course).

97. Draw a perfect circle freehand.

98. Solve a complex math problem in your head in seconds.

99. Count the grains of sand in an hourglass.

100. Try to fit your entire body into a small suitcase.

Embarrassing Dares

  • Sing a terrible song loudly
  • Call a random contact from your phone and sing “Happy Birthday” to them
  • Wear your clothes backward for the rest of the game
  • Put on lipstick/blush with your non-dominant hand
  • Speak in an accent for the next three rounds
  • Sing “Happy Birthday” in an opera-style voice.
  • Do the chicken dance in a public place.
  • Wear underwear on your head for the next three rounds.
  • Talk like a robot for the next five minutes.
  • Let the group give you a funny makeover with makeup.

Mildly Uncomfortable Dares

  • Eat a spoonful of mustard
  • Wear socks on your hands for the next three rounds
  • Text your crush and confess your love
  • Do an impression of a famous celebrity
  • Wear your clothes inside out for the next hour

Potentially Harmful or Inappropriate Dares

  • Lick the floor
  • Drink a concoction of random kitchen ingredients
  • Expose a personal secret.
  • Flirt with a stranger
  • Vandalize public property
 worst dare questions ever asked

Socially Insensitive Dares

  • Make fun of someone in the room.
  • Use derogatory language
  • Bully someone on social media
  • Steal something from a store
  • Share inappropriate photos or videos
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Invasive Personal Dares

  • Read your text messages out loud
  • Share your browsing history
  • Show your bank balance
  • Reveal your deepest fear
  • Share your most embarrassing childhood memory

Dangerous Physical Dares

  • Jump off a high surface
  • Play “chicken” with a moving vehicle
  • Consume a dangerous amount of alcohol
  • Light yourself on fire
  • Consume a non-edible or toxic substance

Harmful Dares Involving Relationships

  • Break up with your partner over the phone
  • Send a hurtful message to a friend
  • Reveal a friend’s secret
  • Pretend to have a romantic interest in someone you don’t like
  • Confess a false accusation

Worst Dare Questions that are very Risky

  • Run through a busy street or highway
  • Climb a tall building or structure
  • Jump into a body of water without knowing the depth
  • Play with fire or fireworks
  • Consume excessive amounts of a harmful substance (e.g., hot sauce, salt, sugar)

Cruel Dares

  • Bully someone online
  • Prank call emergency services
  • Destroy someone’s property
  • Publicly humiliate a stranger
  • Harass or intimidate someone

Invasive and Offensive Dares

  • Steal personal items from others in the group
  • Make derogatory comments about someone’s appearance.
  • Prank call a person you know
  • Disrupt a public event or gathering
  • Expose yourself in public
 worst dare questions ever asked

Worst Dare Questions Involving Very Risky Activities

  • Shoplift an item from a store
  • Use illegal substances
  • Drive recklessly
  • Trespass on private property
  • Engage in vandalism


In the world of dare games, there are countless opportunities for laughter, camaraderie, and memorable moments. As we’ve explored some of the worst dare questions ever asked, we’ve witnessed the spectrum of humor, embarrassment, and absurdity that these challenges can encompass. 

From cringe-worthy acts to impossible feats, the beauty of dare games lies in their ability to bring people together, push boundaries in a safe and entertaining way, and, above all, create shared memories that will be talked about for years to come.

While we may chuckle at the thought of licking an elbow or attempting to recite pi to a hundred decimal places, it’s essential to remember the heart of the matter: having fun with friends and ensuring that everyone is comfortable and respected throughout the game.

In the end, dare questions are not about pushing people to their limits or causing discomfort; they’re about celebrating the joy of being human, sharing laughter, and making connections that stand the test of time.


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About the Chief Editor

Godfrey Ogbo, the Chief Editor and CEO of AtlanticRide, merges his environmental management expertise with extensive business experience, including in real estate. With a master's degree and a knack for engaging writing, he adeptly covers complex growth and business topics. His analytical approach and business insights enrich the blog, making it a go-to source for readers seeking thoughtful and informed content.

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